Fisair combats moisture in wind turbines

Revista Energética has published an article on Fisair’s solutions to combat humidity in wind turbines in coastal environments.

The constant presence of moisture poses a challenge for wind turbines installed in coastal areas. Serious electrical problems or deterioration of systems can leave these crucial infrastructures idle for extended periods, causing significant financial losses to projects.

To meet these challenges, Fisair offers simple solutions for installation inside the turbines. The DFRB series air dehumidifiers have proven to be effective in extremely demanding environments, helping well-known players to solve these problems.

These dehumidifiers use a silica gel desiccant rotor to dry the air inside turbines to safe operating levels. Equipped with automatic control and no water generation from condensation, these devices, made with stainless steel and a semiconductor-based regulation system, operate autonomously all year round, with minimal maintenance and very low electrical power consumption.

Whether for new turbine projects, where Fisair collaborates with major manufacturers, or for ongoing projects requiring an engineering analysis of implementation, where Fisair works with major generators and users, Fisair air dehumidifiers represent the fastest, most reliable and cost-effective solution.

Fisair, with 55 years of experience, has production sites in Europe (CE/UKCA certified) and America (UL/CSA certified), as well as technical service offices in most countries where turbines operate.

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